

For the exhibition Spinola Contemporanea (Galleria Nazionale diĀ Palazzo Spinola, June-September 2009) the artist, Fabio Moro, reinterpreted the traditional genre of the still life presenting through the use of video a painting by Ludovico Susio dated 1619. The sound played in the video is a an electric and minimal piece composed for the show by Retina.it, an experimental project by Lino Monaco e Nicola Buono. The movement of the flames is produced by the wind coming from the loudspeakers used while recording the video. Utilizing the full potential of electronic media, an extraordinaryy, unexpected, captivating and seductive energy spreads through the kitchen of the old palace where the work is located. Several senses draw close together, crossing over like in a synaesthesia. The poetic hidden in the images of the video falling between contemporary and antique along with the sound and its deep and vibrant tones come across on a perceptual but also cognitive level.










            FABIO MORO  

natura morta from fabio moro on Vimeo.